Jerusalem Missions (Local)

EastSide Bus Ministry: The purpose of EastSide Bus Ministry is to move outside the four walls of the church and provide transportation for those who could not otherwise make it to church. This allows EastSide the opportunity to reach children and their families with the gospel.
Currently we are running bus routes on Sundays and Wednesdays.
Need a ride? Call 870-425-3689
“Go out to the roads and country lanes and compel them to come in, so that my house will be full.“ Luke 14:23
Serving our Seniors: is a ministry that provides outdoor work for EastSide's senior adults. Volunteers help by engaging in yard work, lawn mowing, power washing, and other needs.
Into the Light: designed to foster trauma-informed, long-term relationships with children whose lives have been impacted by the trauma of the sex industry in Arkansas.
Oak Tree RV Park: an area that EastSide intentionally invests in and ministers to the residents inside the mobile home park. This involves serving opportunities in the park throughout the year.
Night to Shine: a complimentary event for people with special needs hosted by local churches around the world. The event is open to anyone living with disabilities, ages 14 and older. Although each event is a little bit different, some activities included are a red carpet entrance, limousine rides, dancing, karaoke, gifts, a catered dinner, a Respite Room for parents and caregivers, a crowning ceremony where every honored guest will receive a crown or tiara, and more – Night to Shine is a celebration of God’s love for YOU, our Kings and Queens!
The Call: supports the local children in foster care as well as their foster/adoptive and biological families.
Food Bank of North Central Arkansas: we serve the Food Bank of North Central Arkansas by participating in packing senior food boxes for our community and surrounding areas on the 2nd Sunday of the month.
Other local missions we support: Grace Abounds Counseling, Alpha House, KCMH, Informed Choices, Child Evangelism Fellowship, EastSide Christmas Store, Night to Shine, Local Mission Projects

Judea Missions (State - Arkansas)

Sheridan: new church plant coming fall 2024 - spring 2025
Other state missions we support: White River Baptist Association, Dixie Jackson, AR Children's Homes

Samaria Missions (National - United States)

Revelation Baptist Church: New Orleans church that ESBC partners with through missions
Other national missions we support: Mission Aviation Fellowship, Annie Armstrong, Impact Church Plant in Fredericksburg, PA, College Campus Crusade

Uttermost Missions (International)

International missions we support: Cooperative Program, Lottie Moon, Haiti's Eden
For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.
Ephesians 2:10